Sunday, July 29, 2012

In the next couple of weeks we are going in be
planting vegies and fruit and we are going to keep cutting all of the
dead bits of the plants to keep the bugs away.
We are hoping to learn from the past Hydroponic experts and Mr Sandford. We will be able to do more as it warms up!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Action ...

Hydro Rangers / Keepers
All Action Projects
·         Design badges
·         Logo
·         Redesign wall display
·         Blog update
Next step: Develop an action plan for our ‘Now’ activities

Decide on plant types
Look after plants
Keep the glasshouse clean
Keep it clean, cut back and bug free
Water plants / Feed solution
Take soil off plants
Buy plants
Give food to BonApiti
Use money earned to buy new plants

Short term
Make the plants inside look cool for judging
Grow things for different reasons
Buy plants
Plant strawberries
Grow fruit
Update the blog
Discuss spider webs

Long term
Extend glasshouse
Take the tomatoes and veges to Feilding market
Decorate the glasshouse